Argument wrappers


Concrete type of Context argument which is kept constant during differentiation.

Note that an operator can be prepared with an arbitrary value of the constant. However, same-point preparation must occur with the exact value that will be reused later.


Some backends require any Constant context to be a Number or an AbstractArray.


julia> using DifferentiationInterface

julia> import ForwardDiff

julia> f(x, c) = c * sum(abs2, x);

julia> gradient(f, AutoForwardDiff(), [1.0, 2.0], Constant(10))
2-element Vector{Float64}:

julia> gradient(f, AutoForwardDiff(), [1.0, 2.0], Constant(100))
2-element Vector{Float64}:

Concrete type of Context argument which can be mutated with active values during differentiation.

The initial values present inside the cache do not matter.

For some backends, preparation allocates the required memory for Cache contexts with the right element type, similar to PreallocationTools.jl.


Some backends require any Cache context to be an AbstractArray, others accept nested (named) tuples of AbstractArrays.


julia> using DifferentiationInterface

julia> import ForwardDiff

julia> f(x, c) = sum(copyto!(c, x));

julia> prep = prepare_gradient(f, AutoForwardDiff(), [1.0, 2.0], Cache(zeros(2)));

julia> gradient(f, prep, AutoForwardDiff(), [3.0, 4.0], Cache(zeros(2)))
2-element Vector{Float64}:

First order


prepare_pushforward(f,     backend, x, tx, [contexts...]; strict=Val(false)) -> prep
prepare_pushforward(f!, y, backend, x, tx, [contexts...]; strict=Val(false)) -> prep

Create a prep object that can be given to pushforward and its variants to speed them up.

Depending on the backend, this can have several effects (preallocating memory, recording an execution trace) which are transparent to the user.

For in-place functions, y is mutated by f! during preparation.


The preparation result prep is only reusable as long as the arguments to pushforward do not change type or size, and the function and backend themselves are not modified. Otherwise, preparation becomes invalid and you need to run it again. In some settings, invalid preparations may still give correct results (e.g. for backends that require no preparation), but this is not a semantic guarantee and should not be relied upon.

When strict=Val(true), type checking is enforced between preparation and execution (but size checking is left to the user).

prepare_pushforward_same_point(f,     backend, x, tx, [contexts...]; strict=Val(false)) -> prep_same
prepare_pushforward_same_point(f!, y, backend, x, tx, [contexts...]; strict=Val(false)) -> prep_same

Create a prep object that can be given to pushforward and its variants to speed them up, if they are applied at the same point x and with the same contexts.

Depending on the backend, this can have several effects (preallocating memory, recording an execution trace) which are transparent to the user.

For in-place functions, y is mutated by f! during preparation.


The preparation result prep is only reusable as long as the arguments to pushforward do not change type or size, and the function and backend themselves are not modified. Otherwise, preparation becomes invalid and you need to run it again. In some settings, invalid preparations may still give correct results (e.g. for backends that require no preparation), but this is not a semantic guarantee and should not be relied upon.

When strict=Val(true), type checking is enforced between preparation and execution (but size checking is left to the user).

pushforward(f,     [prep,] backend, x, tx, [contexts...]) -> ty
pushforward(f!, y, [prep,] backend, x, tx, [contexts...]) -> ty

Compute the pushforward of the function f at point x with a tuple of tangents tx.

To improve performance via operator preparation, refer to prepare_pushforward and prepare_pushforward_same_point.


Pushforwards are also commonly called Jacobian-vector products or JVPs. This function could have been named jvp.

pushforward!(f,     dy, [prep,] backend, x, tx, [contexts...]) -> ty
pushforward!(f!, y, dy, [prep,] backend, x, tx, [contexts...]) -> ty

Compute the pushforward of the function f at point x with a tuple of tangents tx, overwriting ty.

To improve performance via operator preparation, refer to prepare_pushforward and prepare_pushforward_same_point.


Pushforwards are also commonly called Jacobian-vector products or JVPs. This function could have been named jvp!.

value_and_pushforward(f,     [prep,] backend, x, tx, [contexts...]) -> (y, ty)
value_and_pushforward(f!, y, [prep,] backend, x, tx, [contexts...]) -> (y, ty)

Compute the value and the pushforward of the function f at point x with a tuple of tangents tx.

To improve performance via operator preparation, refer to prepare_pushforward and prepare_pushforward_same_point.


Pushforwards are also commonly called Jacobian-vector products or JVPs. This function could have been named value_and_jvp.


Required primitive for forward mode backends.

value_and_pushforward!(f,     dy, [prep,] backend, x, tx, [contexts...]) -> (y, ty)
value_and_pushforward!(f!, y, dy, [prep,] backend, x, tx, [contexts...]) -> (y, ty)

Compute the value and the pushforward of the function f at point x with a tuple of tangents tx, overwriting ty.

To improve performance via operator preparation, refer to prepare_pushforward and prepare_pushforward_same_point.


Pushforwards are also commonly called Jacobian-vector products or JVPs. This function could have been named value_and_jvp!.



prepare_pullback(f,     backend, x, ty, [contexts...]; strict=Val(false)) -> prep
prepare_pullback(f!, y, backend, x, ty, [contexts...]; strict=Val(false)) -> prep

Create a prep object that can be given to pullback and its variants to speed them up.

Depending on the backend, this can have several effects (preallocating memory, recording an execution trace) which are transparent to the user.

For in-place functions, y is mutated by f! during preparation.


The preparation result prep is only reusable as long as the arguments to pullback do not change type or size, and the function and backend themselves are not modified. Otherwise, preparation becomes invalid and you need to run it again. In some settings, invalid preparations may still give correct results (e.g. for backends that require no preparation), but this is not a semantic guarantee and should not be relied upon.

When strict=Val(true), type checking is enforced between preparation and execution (but size checking is left to the user).

prepare_pullback_same_point(f,     backend, x, ty, [contexts...]; strict=Val(false)) -> prep_same
prepare_pullback_same_point(f!, y, backend, x, ty, [contexts...]; strict=Val(false)) -> prep_same

Create a prep object that can be given to pullback and its variants to speed them up, if they are applied at the same point x and with the same contexts.

Depending on the backend, this can have several effects (preallocating memory, recording an execution trace) which are transparent to the user.

For in-place functions, y is mutated by f! during preparation.


The preparation result prep is only reusable as long as the arguments to pullback do not change type or size, and the function and backend themselves are not modified. Otherwise, preparation becomes invalid and you need to run it again. In some settings, invalid preparations may still give correct results (e.g. for backends that require no preparation), but this is not a semantic guarantee and should not be relied upon.

When strict=Val(true), type checking is enforced between preparation and execution (but size checking is left to the user).

pullback(f,     [prep,] backend, x, ty, [contexts...]) -> tx
pullback(f!, y, [prep,] backend, x, ty, [contexts...]) -> tx

Compute the pullback of the function f at point x with a tuple of tangents ty.

To improve performance via operator preparation, refer to prepare_pullback and prepare_pullback_same_point.


Pullbacks are also commonly called vector-Jacobian products or VJPs. This function could have been named vjp.

pullback!(f,     dx, [prep,] backend, x, ty, [contexts...]) -> tx
pullback!(f!, y, dx, [prep,] backend, x, ty, [contexts...]) -> tx

Compute the pullback of the function f at point x with a tuple of tangents ty, overwriting dx.

To improve performance via operator preparation, refer to prepare_pullback and prepare_pullback_same_point.


Pullbacks are also commonly called vector-Jacobian products or VJPs. This function could have been named vjp!.

value_and_pullback(f,     [prep,] backend, x, ty, [contexts...]) -> (y, tx)
value_and_pullback(f!, y, [prep,] backend, x, ty, [contexts...]) -> (y, tx)

Compute the value and the pullback of the function f at point x with a tuple of tangents ty.

To improve performance via operator preparation, refer to prepare_pullback and prepare_pullback_same_point.


Pullbacks are also commonly called vector-Jacobian products or VJPs. This function could have been named value_and_vjp.


Required primitive for reverse mode backends.

value_and_pullback!(f,     dx, [prep,] backend, x, ty, [contexts...]) -> (y, tx)
value_and_pullback!(f!, y, dx, [prep,] backend, x, ty, [contexts...]) -> (y, tx)

Compute the value and the pullback of the function f at point x with a tuple of tangents ty, overwriting dx.

To improve performance via operator preparation, refer to prepare_pullback and prepare_pullback_same_point.


Pullbacks are also commonly called vector-Jacobian products or VJPs. This function could have been named value_and_vjp!.



prepare_derivative(f,     backend, x, [contexts...]; strict=Val(false)) -> prep
prepare_derivative(f!, y, backend, x, [contexts...]; strict=Val(false)) -> prep

Create a prep object that can be given to derivative and its variants to speed them up.

Depending on the backend, this can have several effects (preallocating memory, recording an execution trace) which are transparent to the user.

For in-place functions, y is mutated by f! during preparation.


The preparation result prep is only reusable as long as the arguments to derivative do not change type or size, and the function and backend themselves are not modified. Otherwise, preparation becomes invalid and you need to run it again. In some settings, invalid preparations may still give correct results (e.g. for backends that require no preparation), but this is not a semantic guarantee and should not be relied upon.

When strict=Val(true), type checking is enforced between preparation and execution (but size checking is left to the user).

derivative(f,     [prep,] backend, x, [contexts...]) -> der
derivative(f!, y, [prep,] backend, x, [contexts...]) -> der

Compute the derivative of the function f at point x.

To improve performance via operator preparation, refer to prepare_derivative.

derivative!(f,     der, [prep,] backend, x, [contexts...]) -> der
derivative!(f!, y, der, [prep,] backend, x, [contexts...]) -> der

Compute the derivative of the function f at point x, overwriting der.

To improve performance via operator preparation, refer to prepare_derivative.

value_and_derivative(f,     [prep,] backend, x, [contexts...]) -> (y, der)
value_and_derivative(f!, y, [prep,] backend, x, [contexts...]) -> (y, der)

Compute the value and the derivative of the function f at point x.

To improve performance via operator preparation, refer to prepare_derivative.

value_and_derivative!(f,     der, [prep,] backend, x, [contexts...]) -> (y, der)
value_and_derivative!(f!, y, der, [prep,] backend, x, [contexts...]) -> (y, der)

Compute the value and the derivative of the function f at point x, overwriting der.

To improve performance via operator preparation, refer to prepare_derivative.



prepare_gradient(f, backend, x, [contexts...]; strict=Val(false)) -> prep

Create a prep object that can be given to gradient and its variants to speed them up.

Depending on the backend, this can have several effects (preallocating memory, recording an execution trace) which are transparent to the user.


The preparation result prep is only reusable as long as the arguments to gradient do not change type or size, and the function and backend themselves are not modified. Otherwise, preparation becomes invalid and you need to run it again. In some settings, invalid preparations may still give correct results (e.g. for backends that require no preparation), but this is not a semantic guarantee and should not be relied upon.

When strict=Val(true), type checking is enforced between preparation and execution (but size checking is left to the user).



prepare_jacobian(f,     backend, x, [contexts...]; strict=Val(false)) -> prep
prepare_jacobian(f!, y, backend, x, [contexts...]; strict=Val(false)) -> prep

Create a prep object that can be given to jacobian and its variants to speed them up.

Depending on the backend, this can have several effects (preallocating memory, recording an execution trace) which are transparent to the user.

For in-place functions, y is mutated by f! during preparation.


The preparation result prep is only reusable as long as the arguments to jacobian do not change type or size, and the function and backend themselves are not modified. Otherwise, preparation becomes invalid and you need to run it again. In some settings, invalid preparations may still give correct results (e.g. for backends that require no preparation), but this is not a semantic guarantee and should not be relied upon.

When strict=Val(true), type checking is enforced between preparation and execution (but size checking is left to the user).

jacobian(f,     [prep,] backend, x, [contexts...]) -> jac
jacobian(f!, y, [prep,] backend, x, [contexts...]) -> jac

Compute the Jacobian matrix of the function f at point x.

To improve performance via operator preparation, refer to prepare_jacobian.

jacobian!(f,     jac, [prep,] backend, x, [contexts...]) -> jac
jacobian!(f!, y, jac, [prep,] backend, x, [contexts...]) -> jac

Compute the Jacobian matrix of the function f at point x, overwriting jac.

To improve performance via operator preparation, refer to prepare_jacobian.

value_and_jacobian(f,     [prep,] backend, x, [contexts...]) -> (y, jac)
value_and_jacobian(f!, y, [prep,] backend, x, [contexts...]) -> (y, jac)

Compute the value and the Jacobian matrix of the function f at point x.

To improve performance via operator preparation, refer to prepare_jacobian.

value_and_jacobian!(f,     jac, [prep,] backend, x, [contexts...]) -> (y, jac)
value_and_jacobian!(f!, y, jac, [prep,] backend, x, [contexts...]) -> (y, jac)

Compute the value and the Jacobian matrix of the function f at point x, overwriting jac.

To improve performance via operator preparation, refer to prepare_jacobian.


Second order


Combination of two backends for second-order differentiation.


SecondOrder backends do not support first-order operators.


SecondOrder(outer_backend, inner_backend)


  • outer::AbstractADType: backend for the outer differentiation
  • inner::AbstractADType: backend for the inner differentiation

Second derivative

prepare_second_derivative(f, backend, x, [contexts...]; strict=Val(false)) -> prep

Create a prep object that can be given to second_derivative and its variants to speed them up.

Depending on the backend, this can have several effects (preallocating memory, recording an execution trace) which are transparent to the user.


The preparation result prep is only reusable as long as the arguments to second_derivative do not change type or size, and the function and backend themselves are not modified. Otherwise, preparation becomes invalid and you need to run it again. In some settings, invalid preparations may still give correct results (e.g. for backends that require no preparation), but this is not a semantic guarantee and should not be relied upon.

When strict=Val(true), type checking is enforced between preparation and execution (but size checking is left to the user).


Hessian-vector product

prepare_hvp(f, backend, x, tx, [contexts...]; strict=Val(false)) -> prep

Create a prep object that can be given to hvp and its variants to speed them up.

Depending on the backend, this can have several effects (preallocating memory, recording an execution trace) which are transparent to the user.


The preparation result prep is only reusable as long as the arguments to hvp do not change type or size, and the function and backend themselves are not modified. Otherwise, preparation becomes invalid and you need to run it again. In some settings, invalid preparations may still give correct results (e.g. for backends that require no preparation), but this is not a semantic guarantee and should not be relied upon.

When strict=Val(true), type checking is enforced between preparation and execution (but size checking is left to the user).

prepare_hvp_same_point(f, backend, x, tx, [contexts...]; strict=Val(false)) -> prep_same

Create a prep object that can be given to hvp and its variants to speed them up, if they are applied at the same point x and with the same contexts.

Depending on the backend, this can have several effects (preallocating memory, recording an execution trace) which are transparent to the user.


The preparation result prep is only reusable as long as the arguments to hvp do not change type or size, and the function and backend themselves are not modified. Otherwise, preparation becomes invalid and you need to run it again. In some settings, invalid preparations may still give correct results (e.g. for backends that require no preparation), but this is not a semantic guarantee and should not be relied upon.

When strict=Val(true), type checking is enforced between preparation and execution (but size checking is left to the user).



prepare_hessian(f, backend, x, [contexts...]; strict=Val(false)) -> prep

Create a prep object that can be given to hessian and its variants to speed them up.

Depending on the backend, this can have several effects (preallocating memory, recording an execution trace) which are transparent to the user.


The preparation result prep is only reusable as long as the arguments to hessian do not change type or size, and the function and backend themselves are not modified. Otherwise, preparation becomes invalid and you need to run it again. In some settings, invalid preparations may still give correct results (e.g. for backends that require no preparation), but this is not a semantic guarantee and should not be relied upon.

When strict=Val(true), type checking is enforced between preparation and execution (but size checking is left to the user).



Backend queries


Return the outer backend of a SecondOrder object, tasked with differentiation at the second order.

For any other backend type, this function acts like the identity.


Return the inner backend of a SecondOrder object, tasked with differentiation at the first order.

For any other backend type, this function acts like the identity.


Backend switch


Function wrapper that enforces differentiation with a "substitute" AD backend, possible different from the "true" AD backend that is called.

For instance, suppose a function f is not differentiable with Zygote because it involves mutation, but you know that it is differentiable with Enzyme. Then f2 = DifferentiateWith(f, AutoEnzyme()) is a new function that behaves like f, except that f2 is differentiable with Zygote (thanks to a chain rule which calls Enzyme under the hood). Moreover, any larger algorithm alg that calls f2 instead of f will also be differentiable with Zygote (as long as f was the only Zygote blocker).


This is mainly relevant for package developers who want to produce differentiable code at low cost, without writing the differentiation rules themselves. If you sprinkle a few DifferentiateWith in places where some AD backends may struggle, end users can pick from a wider variety of packages to differentiate your algorithms.


DifferentiateWith only supports out-of-place functions y = f(x) without additional context arguments. It only makes these functions differentiable if the true backend is either ForwardDiff or compatible with ChainRules. For any other true backend, the differentiation behavior is not altered by DifferentiateWith (it becomes a transparent wrapper).


  • f: the function in question, with signature f(x)
  • backend::AbstractADType: the substitute backend to use for differentiation

For the substitute AD backend to be called under the hood, its package needs to be loaded in addition to the package of the true AD backend.


DifferentiateWith(f, backend)


julia> using DifferentiationInterface

julia> import FiniteDiff, ForwardDiff, Zygote

julia> function f(x::Vector{Float64})
           a = Vector{Float64}(undef, 1)  # type constraint breaks ForwardDiff
           a[1] = sum(abs2, x)  # mutation breaks Zygote
           return a[1]

julia> f2 = DifferentiateWith(f, AutoFiniteDiff());

julia> f([3.0, 5.0]) == f2([3.0, 5.0])

julia> alg(x) = 7 * f2(x);

julia> ForwardDiff.gradient(alg, [3.0, 5.0])
2-element Vector{Float64}:

julia> Zygote.gradient(alg, [3.0, 5.0])[1]
2-element Vector{Float64}:

Sparsity tools


Combination of a forward and a reverse mode backend for mixed-mode sparse Jacobian computation.


MixedMode backends only support jacobian and its variants, and it should be used inside an AutoSparse wrapper.


MixedMode(forward_backend, reverse_backend)

Sparsity pattern detector satisfying the detection API of ADTypes.jl.

The nonzeros in a Jacobian or Hessian are detected by computing the relevant matrix with dense AD, and thresholding the entries with a given tolerance (which can be numerically inaccurate). This process can be very slow, and should only be used if its output can be exploited multiple times to compute many sparse matrices.


In general, the sparsity pattern you obtain can depend on the provided input x. If you want to reuse the pattern, make sure that it is input-agnostic.


DenseSparsityDetector functionality is now located in a package extension, please load the SparseArrays.jl standard library before you use it.


  • backend::AbstractADType is the dense AD backend used under the hood
  • atol::Float64 is the minimum magnitude of a matrix entry to be considered nonzero


DenseSparsityDetector(backend; atol, method=:iterative)

The keyword argument method::Symbol can be either:

  • :iterative: compute the matrix in a sequence of matrix-vector products (memory-efficient)
  • :direct: compute the matrix all at once (memory-hungry but sometimes faster).

Note that the constructor is type-unstable because method ends up being a type parameter of the DenseSparsityDetector object (this is not part of the API and might change).


using ADTypes, DifferentiationInterface, SparseArrays
import ForwardDiff

detector = DenseSparsityDetector(AutoForwardDiff(); atol=1e-5, method=:direct)

ADTypes.jacobian_sparsity(diff, rand(5), detector)

# output

4×5 SparseMatrixCSC{Bool, Int64} with 8 stored entries:
 1  1  ⋅  ⋅  ⋅
 ⋅  1  1  ⋅  ⋅
 ⋅  ⋅  1  1  ⋅
 ⋅  ⋅  ⋅  1  1

Sometimes the sparsity pattern is input-dependent:

ADTypes.jacobian_sparsity(x -> [prod(x)], rand(2), detector)

# output

1×2 SparseMatrixCSC{Bool, Int64} with 2 stored entries:
 1  1
ADTypes.jacobian_sparsity(x -> [prod(x)], [0, 1], detector)

# output

1×2 SparseMatrixCSC{Bool, Int64} with 1 stored entry:
 1  ⋅


The following is not part of the public API.

AutoSimpleFiniteDiff <: ADTypes.AbstractADType

Forward mode backend based on the finite difference (f(x + ε) - f(x)) / ε, with artificial chunk size to mimick ForwardDiff.


AutoSimpleFiniteDiff(ε=1e-5; chunksize=nothing)

Configuration for the batch size deduced from a backend and a sample array of length N.

Type parameters

  • B::Int: batch size
  • singlebatch::Bool: whether B == N (B > N is not allowed)
  • aligned::Bool: whether N % B == 0


  • N::Int: array length
  • A::Int: number of batches A = div(N, B, RoundUp)
  • B_last::Int: size of the last batch (if aligned is false)

Utility for recording context types of additional arguments (e.g. Constant or Cache) and re-wrapping them into their types after they have been unwrapped.

Useful for second-order differentiation.


Return the outer mode of the second-order backend.


If it exists, return the overloaded input type which will be passed to the differentiated function when preparation result prep is reused.


This function is experimental and not part of the public API.

pick_batchsize(backend, x_or_y::AbstractArray)

Return a BatchSizeSettings appropriate for arrays of the same length as x_or_y with a given backend.

Note that the array in question can be either the input or the output of the function, depending on whether the backend performs forward- or reverse-mode AD.

prepare!_derivative(f,     prep, backend, x, [contexts...]) -> new_prep
prepare!_derivative(f!, y, prep, backend, x, [contexts...]) -> new_prep

Same behavior as prepare_derivative but can resize the contents of an existing prep object to avoid some allocations.

There is no guarantee that prep will be mutated, or that performance will be improved compared to preparation from scratch.


Compared to when prep was first created, the only authorized modification is a size change for input x or output y. Any other modification (like a change of type for the input) is not supported and will give erroneous results.


For efficiency, this function needs to rely on backend package internals, therefore it not protected by semantic versioning.

prepare!_gradient(f, prep, backend, x, [contexts...]) -> new_prep

Same behavior as prepare_gradient but can resize the contents of an existing prep object to avoid some allocations.

There is no guarantee that prep will be mutated, or that performance will be improved compared to preparation from scratch.


Compared to when prep was first created, the only authorized modification is a size change for input x or output y. Any other modification (like a change of type for the input) is not supported and will give erroneous results.


For efficiency, this function needs to rely on backend package internals, therefore it not protected by semantic versioning.

prepare!_hessian(f, backend, x, [contexts...]) -> new_prep

Same behavior as prepare_hessian but can resize the contents of an existing prep object to avoid some allocations.

There is no guarantee that prep will be mutated, or that performance will be improved compared to preparation from scratch.


Compared to when prep was first created, the only authorized modification is a size change for input x or output y. Any other modification (like a change of type for the input) is not supported and will give erroneous results.


For efficiency, this function needs to rely on backend package internals, therefore it not protected by semantic versioning.

prepare!_hvp(f, backend, x, tx, [contexts...]) -> new_prep

Create a prep object that can be given to hvp and its variants to speed them up.

Depending on the backend, this can have several effects (preallocating memory, recording an execution trace) which are transparent to the user.


The preparation result prep is only reusable as long as the arguments to hvp do not change type or size, and the function and backend themselves are not modified. Otherwise, preparation becomes invalid and you need to run it again. In some settings, invalid preparations may still give correct results (e.g. for backends that require no preparation), but this is not a semantic guarantee and should not be relied upon.

When strict=Val(true), type checking is enforced between preparation and execution (but size checking is left to the user).

prepare!_jacobian(f,     prep, backend, x, [contexts...]) -> new_prep
prepare!_jacobian(f!, y, prep, backend, x, [contexts...]) -> new_prep

Same behavior as prepare_jacobian but can resize the contents of an existing prep object to avoid some allocations.

There is no guarantee that prep will be mutated, or that performance will be improved compared to preparation from scratch.


Compared to when prep was first created, the only authorized modification is a size change for input x or output y. Any other modification (like a change of type for the input) is not supported and will give erroneous results.


For efficiency, this function needs to rely on backend package internals, therefore it not protected by semantic versioning.

prepare!_pullback(f,     prep, backend, x, ty, [contexts...]) -> new_prep
prepare!_pullback(f!, y, prep, backend, x, ty, [contexts...]) -> new_prep

Same behavior as prepare_pullback but can resize the contents of an existing prep object to avoid some allocations.

There is no guarantee that prep will be mutated, or that performance will be improved compared to preparation from scratch.


Compared to when prep was first created, the only authorized modification is a size change for input x or output y. Any other modification (like a change of type for the input) is not supported and will give erroneous results.


For efficiency, this function needs to rely on backend package internals, therefore it not protected by semantic versioning.

prepare!_pushforward(f,     prep, backend, x, tx, [contexts...]) -> new_prep
prepare!_pushforward(f!, y, prep, backend, x, tx, [contexts...]) -> new_prep

Same behavior as prepare_pushforward but can resize the contents of an existing prep object to avoid some allocations.

There is no guarantee that prep will be mutated, or that performance will be improved compared to preparation from scratch.


Compared to when prep was first created, the only authorized modification is a size change for input x or output y. Any other modification (like a change of type for the input) is not supported and will give erroneous results.


For efficiency, this function needs to rely on backend package internals, therefore it not protected by semantic versioning.

prepare!_second_derivative(f, prep, backend, x, [contexts...]) -> new_prep

Same behavior as prepare_second_derivative but can resize the contents of an existing prep object to avoid some allocations.

There is no guarantee that prep will be mutated, or that performance will be improved compared to preparation from scratch.


Compared to when prep was first created, the only authorized modification is a size change for input x or output y. Any other modification (like a change of type for the input) is not supported and will give erroneous results.


For efficiency, this function needs to rely on backend package internals, therefore it not protected by semantic versioning.

reasonable_batchsize(N::Integer, Bmax::Integer)

Reproduces the heuristic from ForwardDiff to minimize

  1. the number of batches necessary to cover an array of length N
  2. the number of leftover indices in the last partial batch

Source: https://github.com/JuliaDiff/ForwardDiff.jl/blob/ec74fbc32b10bbf60b3c527d8961666310733728/src/prelude.jl#L19-L29

threshold_batchsize(backend::AbstractADType, B::Integer)

If the backend object has a fixed batch size B0, return a new backend where the fixed batch size is min(B0, B). Otherwise, act as the identity.
