Design Notes: Why can you change the primal computation?

These design notes are to help you understand ChainRules.jl's rrule function. It explains why we have a rrule function that returns both the primal result (i.e. the output for the forward pass) and the pullback as a closure. It might be surprising to some AD authors, who might expect just a function that performs the pullback, that the rrule function computes the primal result as well as the pullback. In particularly, rrule allows you to change how the primal result is computed. We will illustrate in this document why being able to change the computation of the primal is crucial for efficient AD.

What about `frule`?

Discussion here is focused on on reverse mode and rrule. Similar concerns do apply to forward mode and frule. In forward mode these concerns lead to the fusing of the pushforward into frule. All the examples given here also apply in forward mode. In fact in forward mode there are even more opportunities to take advantage of sharing work between the primal and derivative computations. A particularly notable example is in efficiently calculating the pushforward of solving a differential equation via expanding the system of equations to also include the derivatives before solving it.

The Journey to rrule

Let's imagine a different system for rules, one that doesn't let you define the computation of the primal. This system is what a lot of AD systems have. It is what Nabla.jl had originally.[1] We will have a primal (i.e. forward) pass that directly executes the primal function and just records the primal function, its inputs and its output onto the tape.[2]. Then during the gradient (i.e. reverse) pass it has a function which receives those records from the tape along with the sensitivity of the output, and gives back the sensitivity of the input. We will call this function pullback_at, as it pulls back the sensitivity at a given primal point. To make this concrete:

y = f(x)  # primal program
x̄ = pullback_at(f, x, y, ȳ)

Let's illustrate this with examples for sin and for the logistic sigmoid.

Example for `sin`
y = sin(x)
pullback_at(::typeof(sin), x, y, ȳ) = ȳ * cos(x)

pullback_at uses the primal input x, and the sensitivity being pulled back .

Example for the logistic sigmoid
σ(x) = 1/(1 + exp(-x))  # = exp(x) / (1 + exp(x))
y = σ(x)
pullback_at(::typeof(σ), x, y, ȳ) = ȳ * y * σ(-x)  # = ȳ * σ(x) * σ(-x)

Notice that in pullback_at we are not only using input x but also using the primal output y . This is a nice bit of symmetry that shows up around exp.

Now let's consider why we implement rrules in the first place. One key reason is to insert domain knowledge so as to compute the derivative more efficiently than AD would just by breaking everything down into +, *, etc.[3] What insights do we have about sin and cos? What about using sincos?

Example for `sin`
julia> using BenchmarkTools

julia> @btime sin(x) setup=(x=rand());
  3.838 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

julia> @btime cos(x) setup=(x=rand());
  4.795 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

julia> 3.838 + 4.795

vs computing both together:

julia> @btime sincos(x) setup=(x=rand());
  6.028 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

What about the logistic sigmoid? We note that the two values we need are σ(x) and σ(-x) If we write these as: $\sigma(x) = \frac{e^x}{1+e^x}$ and $\sigma(-x) = \frac{1}{1+e^x}$ then we see they have the common term $e^x$. exp(x) is a much more expensive operation than + and /. So we can save time, if we can reuse that exp(x).

Example for the logistic sigmoid

If we have to computing separately:

julia> @btime 1/(1+exp(x)) setup=(x=rand());
  5.622 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

julia> @btime 1/(1+exp(-x)) setup=(x=rand());
  6.036 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

julia> 5.622 + 6.036

vs reusing exp(x):

julia> @btime exp(x) setup=(x=rand());
  5.367 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

julia> @btime ex/(1+ex) setup=(ex=exp(rand()));
  1.255 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

julia> @btime 1/(1+ex) setup=(ex=exp(rand()));
  1.256 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

julia> 5.367 + 1.255 + 1.256

So we are talking about a 30-40% speed-up from these optimizations.[4]

It is faster to compute sin and cos at the same time via sincos than it is to compute them one after the other. And it is faster to reuse the exp(x) in computing σ(x) and σ(-x). How can we incorporate this insight into our system? We know we can compute both of these in the primal — because they only depend on x and not on — but there is nowhere to put them that is accessible both to the primal pass and the gradient pass code.

What if we introduced some variable called intermediates that is also recorded onto the tape during the primal pass? We would need to be able to modify the primal pass to do this, so that we can actually put the data into the intermediates. So we will introduce a function: augmented_primal, that will return the primal output plus the intermediates that we want to reuse in the gradient pass. Then we will make our AD system replace calls to the primal with calls to the augmented_primal of the primal function and take care of all the bookkeeping. So that would look like:

y = f(x)  # primal program
y, intermediates = augmented_primal(f, x)
x̄ = pullback_at(f, x, y, ȳ, intermediates)
Example for `sin`
function augmented_primal(::typeof(sin), x)
  y, cx = sincos(x)
  return y, (; cx=cx)  # use a NamedTuple for the intermediates

pullback_at(::typeof(sin), x, y, ȳ, intermediates) = ȳ *
Example for the logistic sigmoid
function augmented_primal(::typeof(σ), x)
  ex = exp(x)
  y = ex / (1 + ex)
  return y, (; ex=ex)  # use a NamedTuple for the intermediates

pullback_at(::typeof(σ), x, y, ȳ, intermediates) = ȳ * y / (1 + intermediates.ex)

Cool! That lets us do what we wanted. We net decreased the time it takes to run the primal and gradient passes. We have now demonstrated the title question of why we want to be able to modify the primal pass. We will go into that more later and have some more usage examples, but first let's continue to see how we go from augmented_primal and pullback_at to rrule.

One thing we notice when looking at pullback_at is it really is starting to have a lot of arguments. It had a fair few already, and now we are adding intermediates as well, making it even more unwieldy. Not to mention these are fairly simple example, the sin and σ functions have 1 input and no keyword arguments. Furthermore, we often don't even use all of the arguments to pullback_at. The new code for pulling back sin — which uses sincos and intermediates — no longer needs x, and it never needed y (though sigmoid σ does). And storing all these things on the tape — inputs, outputs, sensitivities, intermediates — is using up extra memory. What if we generalized the idea of the intermediate named tuple, and had augmented_primal return a struct that just held anything we might want put on the tape.

struct PullbackMemory{P, S}
# convenience constructor:
PullbackMemory(primal_function; state...) = PullbackMemory(primal_function, state)
# convenience accessor so that `m.x` is same as `m.state.x`
Base.getproperty(m::PullbackMemory, propname) = getproperty(getfield(m, :state), propname)

So changing our API we have:

y = f(x)  # primal program
y, pb = augmented_primal(f, x)
x̄ = pullback_at(pb, ȳ)

which is much cleaner.

Example for `sin`
function augmented_primal(::typeof(sin), x)
  y, cx = sincos(x)
  return y, PullbackMemory(sin; cx=cx)

pullback_at(pb::PullbackMemory{typeof(sin)}, ȳ) = ȳ *
Example for the logistic sigmoid
function augmented_primal(::typeof(σ), x)
  ex = exp(x)
  y = ex / (1 + ex)
  return y, PullbackMemory(σ; y=y, ex=ex)

pullback_at(pb::PullbackMemory{typeof(σ)}, ȳ) = ȳ * pb.y / (1 + pb.ex)

That now looks much simpler; pullback_at only ever has 2 arguments.

One way we could make it nicer to use is by making PullbackMemory a callable object. Conceptually the PullbackMemory is a fixed thing it the contents of the tape for a particular operation. It is fully determined by the end of the primal pass. The during the gradient (reverse) pass the PullbackMemory is used to successively compute the argument. So it makes sense to make PullbackMemory a callable object that acts on the sensitivity. We can do that via call overloading:

y = f(x)  # primal program
y, pb = augmented_primal(f, x)
x̄ = pb(ȳ)
Example for `sin`
function augmented_primal(::typeof(sin), x)
  y, cx = sincos(x)
  return y, PullbackMemory(sin; cx=cx)
(pb::PullbackMemory)(ȳ) = ȳ *
Example for the logistic sigmoid
function augmented_primal(::typeof(σ), x)
  ex = exp(x)
  y = ex / (1 + ex)
  return y, PullbackMemory(σ; y=y, ex=ex)

(pb::PullbackMemory{typeof(σ)})(ȳ) = ȳ * pb.y / (1 + pb.ex)

Let's recap what we have done here. We now have an object pb that acts on the cotangent of the output of the primal to give us the cotangent of the input of the primal function . pb is not just the memory of state required for the pullback, it is the pullback.

We have one final thing to do, which is to think about how we make the code easy to modify. Let's go back and think about the changes we would have make to go from our original way of writing that only used the inputs/outputs, to one that used the intermediate state.

Example for `sin`

To rewrite that original formulation in the new pullback form we have:

function augmented_primal(::typeof(sin), x)
  y = sin(x)
  return y, PullbackMemory(sin; x=x)
(pb::PullbackMemory)(ȳ) = ȳ * cos(pb.x)

To go from that to:

function augmented_primal(::typeof(sin), x)
  y, cx = sincos(x)
  return y, PullbackMemory(sin; cx=cx)
(pb::PullbackMemory)(ȳ) = ȳ *
Example for the logistic sigmoid
function augmented_primal(::typeof(σ), x)
  y = σ(x)
  return y, PullbackMemory(σ; y=y, x=x)
(pb::PullbackMemory{typeof(σ)})(ȳ) = ȳ * pb.y * σ(-pb.x)

to get to:

function augmented_primal(::typeof(σ), x)
  ex = exp(x)
  y = ex/(1 + ex)
  return y, PullbackMemory(σ; y=y, ex=ex)
(pb::PullbackMemory{typeof(σ)})(ȳ) = ȳ * pb.y/(1 + pb.ex)

We should think about how we might want to make future changes to this code.[6]

We need to make a series of changes:

  • update what work is done in the primal, to compute the intermediate values.
  • update what is stored in the PullbackMemory.
  • update the function that applies the pullback so it uses the new thing that was stored.

It's important these parts all stay in sync. It's not too bad for this simple example with just one or two things to remember. For more complicated multi-argument functions, which we will show below, you often end up needing to remember half a dozen things, like sizes and indices relating to each input/output, so it gets a little more fiddly to make sure you remember all the things you need to and give them the same name in both places. Is there a way we can automatically just have all the things we use remembered for us? Surprisingly for such a specific request, there actually is: a closure.

A closure in Julia is a callable structure that automatically contains a field for every object from its parent scope that is used in its body. There are incredible ways to abuse this; but here we can use closures exactly as they are intended. Replacing PullbackMemory with a closure that works the same way lets us avoid having to manually control what is remembered and lets us avoid separately writing the call overload.

Example for `sin`
function augmented_primal(::typeof(sin), x)
  y, cx = sincos(x)
  pb = ȳ -> cx * ȳ  # pullback closure. closes over `cx`
  return y, pb
Example for the logistic sigmoid
function augmented_primal(::typeof(σ), x)
  ex = exp(x)
  y = ex / (1 + ex)
  pb = ȳ -> ȳ * y / (1 + ex)  # pullback closure. closes over `y` and `ex`
  return y, pb

This is pretty clean now.

Our augmented_primal is now within spitting distance of rrule. All that is left is a rename and some extra conventions around multiple outputs and gradients with respect to callable objects.

This has been a journey into how we get to rrule as it is defined in ChainRulesCore. We started with an unaugmented primal function and a pullback_at function that only saw the inputs and outputs of the primal. We realized a key limitation of this was that we couldn't share computational work between the primal and gradient passes. To solve this we introduced the notation of some intermediate that is shared from the primal to the pullback. We successively improved that idea, first by making it a type that held everything that is needed for the pullback: the PullbackMemory, which we then made callable, so it was itself the pullback. Finally, we replaced that separate callable structure with a closure, which kept everything in one place and made it more convenient.

More Shared Work Examples

sin and the logistic sigmoid are nice, simple examples of when it is useful to share work between the primal and the pullback. There are many others though. It is actually surprising that in so many cases it is reasonable to write the rules where the only shared information between the primal and the pullback is the primal inputs (like our original sin), or primal outputs (like our original logistic sigmoid). Under our formulation above, those primal inputs/outputs are shared information just like any other. Beyond this, there are a number of other decent applications.


In Julia (and many other numerical languages) indexing can take many more arguments than simply a couple of integers, such as boolean masking arrays (logical indexing), ranges for slices, etc. Converting the arguments to plain integers, arrays of integers, and ranges with Base.to_indices is the first thing that getindex does. It then re-calls getindex with these simpler types to get the result.

The result of pulling back the getindex operation is always an array that is all zeros, except for the elements that are selected, which are set to the appropriate sensitivities being pulled back. To identify which actual positions in the array are being gotten/set is common work to both primal and gradient computations. We really don't want to deal with fancy indexing types during the pullback, because there are weird edge cases like indexing in such a way that the same element is output twice (and thus we have 2 sensitivities we need to add to it). We can pull the to_indices out of the primal computation and remember the plain indexes used, then can reuse them to set gradients during the pullback.

See the code for this in ChainRules.jl


Matrix Functions are generalizations of scalar functions to operate on matrices. Note that this is distinct from simply element-wise application of the function to the matrix's elements. The Matrix Exponential exp(::Matrix) is a particularly important matrix function.

Al-Mohy and Higham (2009)[7], published a method for computing the pullback of exp(::Matrix). It is pretty complex and very cool. To quote its abstract (emphasis mine):

The algorithm is derived from the scaling and squaring method by differentiating the Padé approximants and the squaring recurrence, re-using quantities computed during the evaluation of the Padé approximant, and intertwining the recurrences in the squaring phase.

Julia does in fact use a Padé approximation to compute exp(::Matrix). So we can extract the code for that into our augmented primal, and add remembering the intermediate quantities that are to be used. See the code for this in ChainRules.jl

An interesting scenario here that may be of concern to some: if Julia changes the algorithm it uses to compute exp(::Matrix), then during an AD primal pass, it will continue to use the old Padé approximation based algorithm. This may actually happen, as there are many other algorithms that can compute the matrix exponential. Further, perhaps there might be an improvement to the exact coefficient or cut-offs used by Julia's current Padé approximation. If Julia made this change it wopuld not be considered breaking. Exact floating point numerical values are not generally considered part of the SemVer-bound API. Rather only the general accuracy of the computed value relative to the true mathematical value (e.g. for common scalar operations Julia promises 1 ULP).

This change will result in the output of the AD primal pass not being exactly equal to what would be seen from just running the primal code. It will still be accurate because the current implementation is accurate, but it will be different. It is our argument that in general this should be considered acceptable, as long as the AD primal pass is in general about as accurate as the unaugmented primal. E.g. it might overshoot for some values the unaugmented primal undershoots for.


eigvals is a real case where the algorithm for the augmented primal and the original primal is already different today. To compute the pullback of eigvals you need to know not only the eigenvalues but also the eigenvectors. The eigen function computes both, so that is used in the augmented primal. See the code for this in ChainRules.jl. If we could not compute and remember the eigenvectors in the primal pass, we would have to call eigen in the gradient pass anyway and fully recompute eigenvectors and eigenvalues, more than doubling the total work.

However, if you trace this down, it actually uses a different algorithm.

eigvals basically wraps LAPACK.syevr!('N', ...), which goes through DSYEVR and eventually calls DSTERF, which uses "Pal-Walker-Kahan variant of the QL or QR algorithm." to compute eigenvalues

In contrast, eigen wraps LAPACK.syevr!('V',...) which also goes through DSYEVR but eventually calls DSTEMR, which calculates eigenvalues "either by bisection or the dqds algorithm.".

Both of these are very good algorithms. LAPACK has had decades of work by experts and is one of the most trusted libraries for linear algebra. But they are different algorithms that give different results. The differences in practice are around $10^{-15}$, which while very small on absolute terms are as far as Float64 is concerned a very real difference.

Matrix Division

Roughly speaking: Y=A\B is the function that finds the least-square solution to YA ≈ B. When solving such a system, the efficient way to do so is to factorize A into an appropriate factorized form such as Cholesky or QR, then perform the \ operation on the factorized form. The pullback of A\B with respect to B is Ȳ -> A' \ Ȳ. It should be noted that this involves computing the factorization of A' (the adjoint of A).[8] In this computation the factorization of the original A can reused. Doing so can give a 4x speed-up.

We don't have this in ChainRules.jl yet, because Julia is missing some definitions of adjoint of factorizations (JuliaLang/julia#38293).[8] We have been promised them for Julia v1.7 though. You can see what the code would look like in PR #302.


This document has explained why rrule is the way it is. In particular it has highlighted why the primal computation is able to be changed from simply calling the function. Further, it has explained why rrule returns a closure for the pullback, rather than it being a separate function. It has highlighted several places in ChainRules.jl where this has allowed us to significantly improve performance. Being able to change the primal computation is practically essential for a high performance AD system.

  • 1I am not just picking on Nabla randomly. Many of the core developers of ChainRules worked on Nabla prior. It's a good AD, but ChainRules incorporates lessons learned from working on Nabla.
  • 2which may be an explicit tape or an implicit tape that is actually incorporated into generated code (à la Zygote)
  • 3Another key reason is if the operation is a primitive that is not defined in terms of more basic operations. In many languages this is the case for sin; where the actual implementation is in some separate But actually sin in Julia is defined in terms of a polynomial. It's fairly vanilla Julia code. It shouldn't be too hard for an AD that only knows about basic operations like + and * to AD through it. In any case, that is another discussion for another day.
  • 4Sure, this is small fries and depending on Julia version might just get solved by the optimizer[5], but go with it for the sake of example.
  • 5To be precise, this is very likely to be solved by the optimizer inlining both and then performing common subexpression elimination, with the result that it generates the code for sincos just from having sin and cos inside the same function. However, this actually doesn't apply in the case of AD, as it is not possible to inline code called in the gradient pass into the primal pass. Those are separate functions called at very different times. This is something opaque closures should help solve.
  • 6One change we might consider is to have logistic sigmoid to only remember one thing. Rather than remembering y and ex to use in the pullback, we could compute y / (1 + ex) during the augmented primal, and just remember that.
  • 7Al-Mohy, Awad H. and Higham, Nicholas J. (2009) Computing the Fréchet Derivative of the Matrix Exponential, with an application to Condition Number Estimation. SIAM Journal On Matrix Analysis and Applications., 30 (4). pp. 1639-1657. ISSN 1095-7162
  • 8To be clear here we mean adjoint as in the conjugate transpose of a matrix, rather than in the sense of reverse mode AD.